Sperm Spray Ejaculation Time Over 40 Km / Hour
Jakarta, Time orgasm, male genital contraction strong enough to spray sperm with a speed of 48 km / hour. However, entering the vagina, sperm need 3 days to reach the egg which is only 15 cm. The strong sperm spray during ejaculation is triggered by muscle contraction around the vas deferens or sperm ducts. Shortly before orgasm, sperm first collected in the vicinity of the base of the penis, until the time comes to be a thick white liquid that will also spray at high speed. Dr Trina Read, a sex consultant from the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS), said the sperm spray has an average speed of 48 km / h and sometimes even reaches 69.2 km / h. This speed is much more than the safe limit of driving within the city that is 40 km / hour. Sperm sperm ability when ejaculation can be weakened because various aspects, including the distance when the ejaculation first. The longer the pause, the more the spray capability. Certainly, the quality of stimulation and the health of male genitalia also affect it. "" After ejaculation, penis muscles will also be naturally relaxed until their size shrinks. It needs a break when it is meant to refractory period to get an erection once again, which varies in length on every man, "" said Dr Read as taken from his website, TrinaRead, Monday (7/3/2011). Although spray with high ability, but the rate of sperm soon slows down so enter the vagina. To pass through the cervix or cervix that is less than 5 cm, sperm needs to be around 5 minutes and even 72 hours to reach the egg which is only 15 cm. Men who spray below the average speed also need not be discouraged, because it does not affect the power to fertilize a partner. Male fertility is more determined by the motility or power semasing sperm cells to always swim towards the egg. (up / ir)