Rabu, 30 November 2016

Prevent Increase Weight Loss Foods Rich Flav

Prevent Increase Weight Loss Foods Rich Flav
The study, published in The British Medical Journal on Thursday shows that eating fruits and vegetables rich in flavonoids may be an effective way to prevent weight gain.
Flavonoids are compounds that have the greatest health benefits. The content of the super you can get naturally in fruits and vegetables.
Previous studies also have linked flavonoids with weight loss, but previous studies have only used small samples and focused on green tea is rich in flavonoids.
Medium recent studies have focused on the possible link between weight and different sources of flavonoids in food by involving a large sample, ie 124 086 men and women in the United States.
The research team recruited study participants from three studies: the Health Professionals Follow Up Study, the Nurses 'Health Study and the Nurses' Health Study II, and asked them to report on weight, habits, lifestyles, and diagnosis of new diseases every two years within the period 24 years, from 1986 and 2011. the participants were also asked to report the development of their diets every four years.
After taking into account patterns of diet and lifestyle factors such as physical activity level, smoking habits, the results suggest that consumption of flavonoids is associated with a higher amount of weight loss is more effective, with results that look good on men and women of all ages.
The strongest relationship between flavonoids and weight loss was found in the flavonoid anthocyanin found in blueberries and strawberries, and polymeric flavonoids found in tea and apples, as well as flavonols found in tea and onions.
Although as an observational study of research still has its limitations, the researchers said that these findings may help to improve dietary patterns prior to the prevention of obesity.
By maintaining a healthy weight, each person can also reduce the risk of diseases associated with obesity such as diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.
Researchers also believe that the results they get, it can help people maximize the health benefits of fruits and vegetables that are rich in flavonoids and most most helpful to manage your weight.

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Senin, 07 November 2016

Non-Surgical Procedures for Weight Loss Eksp

Non-Surgical Procedures for Weight Loss Eksp
For those who are struggling to lose weight, a new solution might be an alternative. Wearing this method, a small balloon is inserted into the stomach to prevent overeating.
This method is rather simple does not need surgery. The balloon was filled with salt water. Left to fill the stomach for up to six months, the balloon was useful regulate eating so that the wearer feel full sooner. As a result, the wearer will experience weight loss express.
Tools named Orbera is designed for patients who have a body mass index of 30 to 40. This is the index for those who are severely obese.
This method is suitable for those who have already tried various diet and exercise, but failed.
Orbera inserted through a non-surgical procedure that only takes about 30 minutes. Here, the patient is given a mild anesthetic to relax yourself so that the device can be inserted through an endoscope stomach.
Endoscope is a medical instrument used long and thin to look cavity or organ. Doctors menyeipkan deflated balloon through the mouth into the stomach. After the balloon entered, in which salt water is filled into making balloon inflates.
The amount of salt water can be adjusted by the wearer's body structure. During the first six months, the balloon in the stomach to control portions. During that time and for the next six months, patients also receive training to apply a healthy diet and exercise.
The program is designed to instill healthy habits so that the perpetrators will continue to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Orbera was first tested in a clinical trial that followed 255 patients for a year. Of that group, 125 earn Orbera in the stomach for six months. Equipment was taken six months later, although patients are followed for six months as well.
A total of 130 other patients participating in a behavior modification program year, but did not get the balloon in the stomach.
The study found that patients with Orbera successful weight loss average of 10 kg, or 10.2 percent of their body weight after getting the device for six months. Three months after the tool was taken, they maintain an average of 9 kg weight loss.
However, patients who did not receive the device only experienced an average weight loss of 3 kg. That equates to 3.3 percent of their body weight.
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