Rabu, 30 November 2016

Prevent Increase Weight Loss Foods Rich Flav

Prevent Increase Weight Loss Foods Rich Flav
The study, published in The British Medical Journal on Thursday shows that eating fruits and vegetables rich in flavonoids may be an effective way to prevent weight gain.
Flavonoids are compounds that have the greatest health benefits. The content of the super you can get naturally in fruits and vegetables.
Previous studies also have linked flavonoids with weight loss, but previous studies have only used small samples and focused on green tea is rich in flavonoids.
Medium recent studies have focused on the possible link between weight and different sources of flavonoids in food by involving a large sample, ie 124 086 men and women in the United States.
The research team recruited study participants from three studies: the Health Professionals Follow Up Study, the Nurses 'Health Study and the Nurses' Health Study II, and asked them to report on weight, habits, lifestyles, and diagnosis of new diseases every two years within the period 24 years, from 1986 and 2011. the participants were also asked to report the development of their diets every four years.
After taking into account patterns of diet and lifestyle factors such as physical activity level, smoking habits, the results suggest that consumption of flavonoids is associated with a higher amount of weight loss is more effective, with results that look good on men and women of all ages.
The strongest relationship between flavonoids and weight loss was found in the flavonoid anthocyanin found in blueberries and strawberries, and polymeric flavonoids found in tea and apples, as well as flavonols found in tea and onions.
Although as an observational study of research still has its limitations, the researchers said that these findings may help to improve dietary patterns prior to the prevention of obesity.
By maintaining a healthy weight, each person can also reduce the risk of diseases associated with obesity such as diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.
Researchers also believe that the results they get, it can help people maximize the health benefits of fruits and vegetables that are rich in flavonoids and most most helpful to manage your weight.

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Senin, 07 November 2016

Non-Surgical Procedures for Weight Loss Eksp

Non-Surgical Procedures for Weight Loss Eksp
For those who are struggling to lose weight, a new solution might be an alternative. Wearing this method, a small balloon is inserted into the stomach to prevent overeating.
This method is rather simple does not need surgery. The balloon was filled with salt water. Left to fill the stomach for up to six months, the balloon was useful regulate eating so that the wearer feel full sooner. As a result, the wearer will experience weight loss express.
Tools named Orbera is designed for patients who have a body mass index of 30 to 40. This is the index for those who are severely obese.
This method is suitable for those who have already tried various diet and exercise, but failed.
Orbera inserted through a non-surgical procedure that only takes about 30 minutes. Here, the patient is given a mild anesthetic to relax yourself so that the device can be inserted through an endoscope stomach.
Endoscope is a medical instrument used long and thin to look cavity or organ. Doctors menyeipkan deflated balloon through the mouth into the stomach. After the balloon entered, in which salt water is filled into making balloon inflates.
The amount of salt water can be adjusted by the wearer's body structure. During the first six months, the balloon in the stomach to control portions. During that time and for the next six months, patients also receive training to apply a healthy diet and exercise.
The program is designed to instill healthy habits so that the perpetrators will continue to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Orbera was first tested in a clinical trial that followed 255 patients for a year. Of that group, 125 earn Orbera in the stomach for six months. Equipment was taken six months later, although patients are followed for six months as well.
A total of 130 other patients participating in a behavior modification program year, but did not get the balloon in the stomach.
The study found that patients with Orbera successful weight loss average of 10 kg, or 10.2 percent of their body weight after getting the device for six months. Three months after the tool was taken, they maintain an average of 9 kg weight loss.
However, patients who did not receive the device only experienced an average weight loss of 3 kg. That equates to 3.3 percent of their body weight.
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Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

Minyak Jojoba, Pelembut Kulit

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Minyak Jojoba, Pelembut Kulit

Minyak jojoba adalah hasil ekstraksi dari semacam semak belukar yang umum tumbuh di gurun pasir. Minyak jojoba dapat menyeimbangkan kandungan sebum di kulit muka. Diluar itu, minyak alami ini dapat efisien menghaluskan, melembabkan, serta melembutkan kulit. Jadi, kulit dapat selalu lembab tanpa ada merasa berminyak. Hasil riset Profesor Zille dari Port Elizabeth University temukan, minyak jojoba juga efisien menghancurkan jamur serta bakteri penyebabnya jerawat pada kulit. Sebagai bahan aktif pelembab, ekstrak minyak jojoba mempunyai kandungan yang setara dengan bahan sintetis lain, yang umum ada dalam product pelembab. Ditambah lagi, minyak jojoba bisa menukar pemakaian minyak mineral, trigliserida, serta lanolin. Langkah kerja minyak jojobaStruktur dari minyak jojoba serupa dengan susunan susunan lemak (lipid) yang di produksi oleh kulit dengan cara alami. Dalam aksinya menghaluskan kulit, minyak jojoba bakal membuat susunan begitu tidak tebal pada susunan epidermis. Susunan berikut yang bakal menghindar menyusutnya kandungan air pada susunan epedermis akibat penguapan. Walhasil, kelembaban tetaplah terbangun. Diluar itu, riset dari University of Michigan mengatakan kalau minyak jojoba bisa meresap baik kedalam kulit. Bahkan juga, sampai ke pori-pori serta folikel rambut pada susunan tanduk. Begitu, kulit juga jadi lembut sampai kedalam.

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016

Pakar Gizi : Berat Badan Optimal Turun 4 Kg Saja di Bln. Puasa


Pakar Gizi : Berat Badan Optimal Turun 4 Kg Saja di Bln. Puasa


Jakarta, Terkecuali menggerakkan beribadah, puasa ramadan juga memanglah bisa menolong sistem diet penurunan Badan yang Anda kerjakan. Tetapi hati-hati, menurut pakar gizi ada batas optimal turunnya berat Badan saat diet sepanjang puasa. Dosen jurusan Gizi Poltekkes II Jakarta, Rita Ramayulis, DCN, MKes, menyampaikan kalau berat Badan memanglah gampang sekali naik atau turun pada bln. puasa. Nah, menurut Rita, untuk yang menginginkan berdiet ketika puasa baiknya tak menurunkan berat Badannya kian lebih 4 kg. Bila kian lebih 4 kg di kuatirkan kelak sesudah bln. puasa badan bakal berefek seperti menginginkan kembalikan konsumsi awal mulanya. Jadi bikin beberapa sel itu jadi lebih peka pada hasrat untuk makan, ungkap Rita saat dihubungi detikHealth serta ditulis Rabu (2/7/2014). Diterangkan Rita kalau beberapa sel itu jadi lebih peka pada nafsu makan karena telah tak ada lagi argumen eksternal, dalam soal ini menggerakkan perintah agama, yang melarang seorang untuk makan. Mengakibatkan, begitu mungkin saja berlangsung nafsu makan jadi lebih bertambah. Karenanya, ia mewanti-wanti supaya tiap-tiap orang yang telah sukses menurunkan berat Badannya sepanjang puasa untuk mengatur emotional eating mereka. Dalam pengertian tak bisa makan sebanyak mungkin cuma lantaran telah tak ada pantangan lagi yang melarang untuk makan. Walau demikian, ia optimis kalau mereka yang lakukan diet sehat sepanjang puasa akan tidak mempunyai nafsu makan yang sangat besar walau bln. puasa telah selesai. Pasalnya, badan telah tak punya kebiasaan lapar lagi di siang hari. Soalnya kan dengan satu bulan kita tak makan di siang hari, jadi saat kelak waktu telah tak berpuasa siang hari juga semestinya nafsu makan kita tak besar, ujarnya. (ajg/up)


Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2016

Weight Has Down But Remain 'Gombyor', How to Handle?


Weight Has Down But Remain 'Gombyor', How to Handle?


Jakarta, I have never experienced obesity in adolescent age. At that time my body weight 80 kg with high Body weight Agency 168. Now I have 70 kg with a height of 173. But the agency was losing my Body 'boyor'. I have been exercising even gather in the gym. But my body is still softer than my age. Does this impact my body weight and fall? I want to have a sixpack stomach. Thanks. Rio (single man, 24 years old.) DpavaXXXXX @ yahoo. Agency comTinggi 173 cm, weight 70 kgJawabanHalo Agency Rio, true when severe Agency striking way down so the skin is going to be 'gombyor' because it can not follow the decline. Therefore, I generally recommend the maximum reduction of 2 kg / week so nondescript. For ingincangan, gym to gym have the right step. If you want a faster, you can try wearing a corset because the same idea with the postpartum period. When embarrassed, try using a corset in the residence alone but when used while the sport is getting more work. Leona Victoria Djajadi MNDMaster of Nutrition and Dietetics (Nutrition Specialist) from the University of Sydney. With a special interest in a diet program for oncology, cardiology, diabetes, gastrointestinal and life modification program diets. Caregiver Family Nutrition Clinic http: // www. klinikgizi. information /. Twitter Follow @Leona_victoria. (Hrn / up)


Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016

This Primarily Noting Weight Kids With Regular way

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This Primarily Noting Weight Kids With Regular way


Jakarta, Time babies aged one to six bln., The body weight seems so more quickly. Her clothes seems much too small, until you buy clothes a size bigger. But at the age of six months. up why it looks so its weight does not add a lot huh? In essence, the agency is indeed to gain weight infants over 6 months. will not be as fast as 3 bln. first. To know if is still normal or not, writing is always increasing severity as well as to ask the doctor, the suggestion of Dr. Meta Hanindita, SpA of Hospital Dr Soetomo, in talks with detikHealth and written on Tuesday (10/20/2015). See also: Study: Drinking Coffee Time Pregnant Too Excessive Risk Childhood Obesity Increasing age children, continued the mother of this child, so dependent age. Now, with notes by way of regular weight and height Body Firm children each bln., So parents will have records. Parents can monitor what is to gain weight and height Body cubs every month .. It is there that the light of the increase or not, more dr Meta. Are there any risks when children Body weight stagnant and even declined? Many risks that can take place when a little Body weight gain, stagnate or even fall. Maybe it's because the system infection in children (eg tuberculosis), until it took on find out pediatrician further explained. Dr. Aditya Suryansyah SpA of RSAB Harapan Kita in consultation detikHealth child so long ago delivered a child's stature depended many aspects. Could be due to lack of food intake, chronic diseases such as tuberculosis, intestinal worms or another, can also be due to the lack of growth hormone. Read also: Kindergarten More at Risk from Poor Families Attacked ObesitasBeberapa child may have problems eating, and to overcome them is indeed somewhat complicated. According to Dr. Aditya, one child are difficult to eat can be done by feeding small amounts but often frequency. The food is not necessarily in the form of rice, can be replaced with a substitute for rice such as bread, potatoes or noodles, especially calories obtained enough, the suggestion of Dr. Adit. (Vit / up)


Minggu, 16 Oktober 2016

Janganlah Asal-asalan Atur Diet untuk Anak

Janganlah Asal-asalan Atur Diet untuk Anak 
    Jakarta Permasalahan obesitas atau kegemukan memanglah cikal akan penyakit bersarang di badan. Terlebih pada anak     resiko beragam penyakit membahayakan dapat dirasakannya. Namun orang-tua tidak butuh cemas lantaran saat anak obesitas   dokter baru dapat menanganinya sesudah usianya mencapai dua th.. Seperti di sampaikan spesialis anak dari Tempat tinggal Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) Jakarta       Sudung Pardede kalau spesial pada anak obesitas bakal dinilai lebih hati-hati daripada orang dewasa karena dia masih tetap dalam sistem perkembangan. Pada dua th. pertama kehidupan sirkuit otak bakal tumbuh serta terbentuk hampir prima. Apabila saat itu diganggu dengan pengurangan konsumsi makanan lantaran permasalahan obesitas di kuatirkan hal itu jadi bakal mengganggu perubahan otaknya kata Sudung selesai talkshow kesehatan di Hotel Le Meridien Jakarta ditulis Jumat (23/1/2015). Tidak butuh cemas anak kegemukan waktu bayi kata Sudung. Menurut dia yang terutama yaitu melindungi konsumsi ASI atau makanan pendampingnya. Sebab apabila ada yang dikurangi sebelumnya umur itu bebrapa dapat perubahan otaknya jadi terganggu. 
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Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2016

Police Bag Four Strong Evidence Killer Suspect Mirna

Police Bag Four Strong Evidence Killer Suspect Mirna
Wayan death case investigation Mirna Salihin (27), a woman who died after drinking coffee at Cafe Olivier, Grand Indonesia, Central Jakarta seems to be a point of light. Police claimed to have had strong evidence and are ready to deploy determination of the suspect.
The evidence is strong. From a minimum of two items of evidence that must be bagged, we even had four items of evidence, said Director General of Criminal Investigation Polda Metro Jaya Police Commissioner Krishna, Monday, January 25, 2016.
With its four that evidence, investigators from Subdit Crime and Violence (Jatanras) General Directorate of Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) Polda Metro Jaya will soon expose the case in the prosecutor's office.
Later on when the results of exposure to the prosecutor no less complete then we add our title again, but if the prosecutor is okay, we just title for the determination of the suspects, said Krishna.
Krishna said the four that evidence is witness testimony, expert testimony, documents and instructions.
Description of the suspect or the accused when in court, we ignore. Because the value is also the weakest suspect or the accused's testimony, he said.
So far, in order to investigate the death of Mirna, police have checked dozens of witnesses, both friends Mirna, Mirna family, cafe waiters and expert witnesses. The examination of witnesses terssebut to supplement the evidence in the investigations on the alleged existence of a criminal act of murder.
Wayan Mirna Salihin (27) are known to drink coffee along with two friends that Jessica and Hani in Kafe Olivier, Grand Indonesia, Central Jakarta. Wednesday, January 6, 2016.
After the Vietnamese iced coffee drink, known miRNA directly kejangkejang and removing the foam. Both friends Mirna had requested assistance cafe waiter to bring Mirna to the nearest clinic is located in the mall area.
Mirna was then referred to Abdi Waluyo Hospital, Central Jakarta, after receiving first aid at the clinic mall. However, no sooner arrived at the hospital Abdi Waluyo, Mirna declared dead.
Laboratory results explain, coffee drunk and his side miRNA containing cyanide. To that end the police find out who the perpetrators were put cyanide in drinks Mirna.

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How To Lose Weight After Giving Safe

How To Lose Weight After Giving Safe

How to lose weight after giving birth, weight rises during pregnancy is natural due to childbirth. Of course, every woman wants to immediately restore postpartum slim body.

But you do not hurry, because the body needs recovery time as well as breastfeeding should not be stopped. Things you have to do is wait for the right time to be able to
start a weight loss program. Because the condition after giving birth
the body is still not stable.

How To Lose Weight

When is the Right Time to Lose Weight After Childbirth?

It is safe to start a weight loss program usually after 6 to 8 weeks after giving birth. Do not forget to consult a doctor to determine whether the condition of the body is completely ready yet.

How to Lose Weight After Childbirth?

It does require a bit of patience to get a slim body after childbirth. Many considerations you should think about nutrition and infant nutrition should be fulfilled. As quoted from http://health.detik.com, here are some tips that you can try:

Do not Diet

This time your baby's nutritional needs must be met so you should not go on a diet first. Just avoid some snacks that contain high calories like snacks, chips, cookies and soft drinks. If you want a snack, can cut apples, carrots, or eat whole-grain crackers.

Expand Fiber Intake

Fiber is good for the body, you can increase the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Consumption of Super Foods

Nutrition and nutrition is needed nursing mother that her baby stay healthy. Some super foods include fish with DHA, omega 3 and essential fatty acids that help the brain development of infants. Types of fish that contain lots of nutrients that include salmon, sardines, and tuna.

In addition to fish, you can also consume milk and yogurt are high enough calcium to build strong bones. Do not forget the protein intake you can get from lean meat, chicken, and nuts.


A study shows that breastfeeding can help you lose weight faster. Besides exclusive breastfeeding is very important and needed by your baby.

Enough Water Intake
The water intake can make you feel full longer. If your water intake is sufficient, it can be seen from the urine is clear. But if turbid mean your water intake is still lacking.

Sports should not be in the gym, you can do light activity such as prams, child care, sweeping, and other activities at home.

Your weight is not able to drop drastically, but slowly. If your body really is fit and ready it can immediately start a weight loss program with the help of trainer at the gym reliable. Avoid taking diet drugs that are not obvious safety.